Do you like this photo? I made it myself. I didn’t just pay a graphic designer to do it for me. Doesn’t that make you appreciate it more? The answer to that question is “yes”, and this is exactly my point. Never mind that I couldn’t size it correctly to fit in the parameters. That is not the point!
People will truely love the gifts you give them this year if you make them. Now I know this sounds ridiculous, so maybe you don’t make gifts for everyone. Maybe, make a gift for at least one person. We all have someone we know that we could make something for and they would love. And not just your mom, someone else too. Before you blow me off, it’s easier than you think. The internet is full of resources, and so is the library, a book store, a craft store, the supermarket, thrift stores, and hardware stores. People are dying for you to get creative in their name. It’s way trendier than buying them a new ipod or Starbucks giftcard.
To give you further inspiration I’ll show you what I’m going to make and give out, and no it isn’t scarves.
It’s a hand-covered light switch! What man on your list wouldn’t want these through out his house? All you need is glue and an old issue of Maxim. This is proof that there is a craft for every creative comfort level. A gift doesn’t have to be expensive to be amazing.
I could go on with more examples but you get the point.
(I apologize if that example was too graphic)
Despite my winning argument if you still don’t think giftmaking is for you, then buy a handmade gift. There are tons of options there. And if you don’t mind I’d like to take a minute to plead this case. When items are made by hand they are just, so, amazing. Crafters are passionate and inspired by their world, and they put every bit of their heart into their work. Then you buy it, give it to someone, and you all share in the joy! Unique gifts have character and personality, like the real-life person you give it to. Because artisans are regaining popularity the recipient of your gift will find you more hip and socially aware. And finding a selfish reason to do something is so much more rewarding.
Seriously, I am going to cut myself off now, but I do encourage you to act on what I’ve written. Go to the locally owned gift shop in town. Or go online and search “handmade gifts.” I can make it even easier for you. Go to
http://www.etsy.com/ or
I’m shutting myself off now.
OK, seriously, get out of here now.