Hello Bluebird

Unless you live in the Reading, Pennsylvania area, you may have thought the title of this post was suggestive of a great retro adventure I just had full of meriment, and song, and pretty dresses, and guys, and dolls……

And in a way this is correct. I just had a visit with my friend Alex at her boutique on Penn Avenue, in West Reading. For those unfamiliar it is a wonderful shop full of colorful treats and magnificent gifts. I am fortunate enough that Hello Bluebird adds Florida Scarf to its collection in the Fall and Winter.

I have found that when you are small business, that moves a lot, retailers for your work come and go. I am thankful that with all the changes, Florida Scarf has been able to maintain a wonderful business relationship with Hello Bluebird for three years. Also, there is a mutual admiration between Alex and I, for style, creativity, saavy, and ethics. The relationship that we have established is a rarity in this industry.
When you think of a bluebird, images that come to mind are that of a petite bird, of pleasing color, and cheerful song. These are the exact same images that greet you upon entering Alex’s shop. If my scarves were birds they would definitely not all be bluebirds. Some are bluebirds, and some are also close relatives, but others can be cardinals, or as vastly different as, say, a parrot. Dare I even suggest some are crows. Because of this I enjoy setting up a meeting with Alex and letting her comb through a large majority of my collection to choose what’s right for her business. Fortunately/unfortunately for Alex our meeting yesterday took three hours. Yikes, right? I say fortunately because it gave us a nice amount of time to catch up, as we haven’t seen one another in over a year. It is also fortunate because she really put a lot of effort in choosing the Flo Sca collection that embodies her ideals. But “unfortunately” because it was probably exhausting, and like any shop owner she had, like, 8 million other things to do that day. To top it off I was snaping shots for this blog post. I do appreciate all her effort and appreciation for what I do. I use my relationship with her as a standard for how I function with all of my retail accounts. She doesn’t make me feel like she is anymore important than me, and that is so important. If life outside of internet selling was always this wonderful I think I’d throw my computer out a window 🙂


Anyway. There is a wonderful Florida Scarf collection (with some new surprises) at Hello Bluebird for this season. In addition to the brick & mortar located at 609 Penn Ave, you can also find the shop at http://www.blluebird.net/
If you ever get there, tell Alex I said , “hello.”

1 thoughts on “Hello Bluebird

  1. Anonymous says:

    LOVE this post! Sarah, you are so good @ creating images with your words and great stuff with your art and your SCARVES!

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