A Flower can not blossom without Sunshine, and Man can not live without Love.
…Max Muller
Every so often I get the urge to cut paper. There is something about cutting and pasting that I find so satisfying. For this reason I actually have a stash of pages ripped out of magazines and catalogues. When I get the itch I rummage through the shoe box full of images, select a random assortment, and glue them together. This time the assortment wasn’t so random; it’s all flowers. And who doesn’t love a sugar skull? I’ll be honest. I really just wanted to use my new paint marker and a gold tooth was the first thing that came to mind.
If I were to give this painting a title it would be Sugar Skull with Flowers and Butterfly.
But it would sound way cooler in German Zuckerschädel mit Blumen und Schmetterling.