Coffee and Cherries

My new thing is recycling old wool sweaters for hoodies. It’s been really fun. They make me sad that it is only summer. I love winter, but only when it snows. I don’t think I’m going to get much satisfaction out of an Alabama winter. None the less, it is only June and there is plenty to be thankful for in June. Most importantly there is a ton of great produce. I got crazy-inspired by a certain fruit last week, the rainier cherry. Don’t you love it? Not only is it refreshing with just the right sweet/tart balance, but it has great color too. For anyone that isn’t familiar the cherry is covered in pink and yellow hues. The two colors blend together and seperate, and the surface of the cherry is so adorable. Drinking dark roast coffee (with a touch of Ovaltine) and snacking on some cherries makes me happy. In my delight I was inspired to create this hoodie.