Autumn in Germany

German Flag Scarf

It may seem a bit premature to speak of Autumn while it’s still August, but fall weather comes to us early in Germany. The sun, and warm weather it brings, has begun to fade. We’ve traded strawberries for sunflowers. The children of the community have gone back to school. Pumpkins are already for sale at the market, and everyone is making plans for Oktoberfest.

I am taking this as an opportunity to present to you some new Bavarian-themed designs, perfect for this time of year; and also to update you on the Florida Scarf Fall Calendar.

Nowhere else have I lived, that the people have such a rich, time honored, culture and traditions. With my scarves, I am privaledged to highlight the fabrics, prints, images, and themes. These are a few of my favorite things…Bavaria Scarf Diamonds and Charms

Edelweiss Scarflette

Pretzel Beer Gingerbread Scarf

Deer Scarf Bavaria

These scarves will soon be for sale in my Etsy shop. If you’re looking at this, and know you want one now, feel free to contact me.

If you live in my area, you are always welcome to make an appointment to shop Florida Scarf. Appointments can be scheduled between now and the end of November. You can personally shop my ready-to-wear collection, or browse options for a special order. Special Orders must be placed by the end of October.

If you would like to visit Florida Scarf at a craft bazaar I will be at the Illesheim Spouse’s Club Bazaar on November 14th. I will also be at the Bavarian Spouse’s Club Bazaar on October 18th in Grafenweohr. You must be and Army ID card holder to attend these events.

This will be the last season for Florida Scarf in Germany. I appreciate the support and patronage everyone in this community has shown me over the past (almost) three years. I have truly enjoyed my time running a small business in a new country, and all the stumbling blocks (or should I call them building blocks) along the way. It’s been challenging, for sure. I am also extrememly fortunate to receive a lot of enthusiastic attention from my local Army community. Through the Army I have made connections, friends, numerous sales opportunities, and fun special orders across the country.

Beginning this January Florida Scarf will be operating from El Paso, Texas.

My small business and I look forward to the change, all that it has to offer. I hope you do too.