Ring Ring Ring

At the start of the summer Toys R Us was having a “Going Out of Business” Sale. The girls and I took a few trips there and got some great toys at good prices. At the time I was still pregnant and wanted to make sure Lila and Nina had some new things to play with when the baby came. It was the first time the girls had ever been in a toy store. Up until this point all of their toys were either gifts or second-hand. Needless to say they were quite inspired by what they experienced. Surprisingly, they (somewhat) kept their composure as they absorbed the endless possibilities for play. I would tell the girls that they each only had $20 to spend. We would stroll through the entire store taking note of items they liked and how much they cost, then they would decide on their own what they wanted to buy. It was fun for all of us; a good exercise in practicality that ended with a new toy. Win-win.

But that isn’t actually what this story is about.

During the shopping trip we walked down an isle that was particularly bedazzling. One of the items we loved was an ostentatious play telephone. The girls liked it a lot. (And I have to admit I did too.) We considered the purchase when it dawned on me that we had a play telephone at home. I suggested we go home and make our own decorated telephone. The girls immediately shouted “yeah!!” in unison. We left the store with a doctor kit and a hairdresser kit, and went home to begin our art project.The telephone was a hand-me-down from Uncle Frank. When he was a little kid (maybe four or five) he got an Incredibles telephone at his house. The entire family used it for years until it didn’t work very well anymore. Still an attractive phone, bright red with an “i” in the middle, it became a toy for the girls when they went to visit my mom. Eventually she just gave it to them. That was almost two years ago.

I gessoed the phone so the girls could paint it bright colors. They looked through my art junk boxes and selected some decorations. We painted and glued, and let it dry over night, and voilà!

My kids completed this phone project in the end of May. I wrote this article in the end of August. It was a week into September until I found the time to upload the pictures and proof read in order to finalize the post. (and I’m sure it still contains a grammatical error) I write this information not to (overly) explain myself but to remind everyone out there that we are all in the same boat. It requires a lot of time and patience to do a good job at your job. If you have more than one job then you need twice as much time and patience, or you better be focused and fast. I am a Stay at Home Mom, and an Artist, and I document both activities. Even the smallest of my creative endeavors takes 2-4 hours to complete. Most of the time I doubt that I am worthy of either occupation. Luckily, I’m the only person that could fire myself from either position and that isn’t ever going to happen.

There are a million things we need to do, and a million more that we want to do. Actually, it usually feels more like a sinking ship that we’re in than a boat. This is a friendly reminder to concern yourself only with getting rid of bucketloads of water at your own pace. Do not concern yourself with how much water your ship seems to be taking on. It always seems like more water than it actually is. You and everyone in your boat are equipped with life vests. And what ever you do, do not abandon ship. You’re gonna make it!!


Thanks For Reading!!

6 thoughts on “Ring Ring Ring

  1. Fran Conrey says:

    Just so ya know……… 2 things : 1) you are doing exceptionally well with both jobs
    2) I can bring an large bucket if you spring another hole!

  2. Arianna says:

    I have to keep reminding myself to “put my own oxygen mask on first.” Not that I don’t immediately want to deal with whatever is bugging the kids, but taking a minute for my self-care (which currently is like eating, going for a short run, shaving my legs, a shower, etc.) helps me be in a better headspace to handle the craziness.

    • Sarah C. Geraci says:

      Good for you. I’m wondering if you’re back to work. That would be a lot, but nothing you can’t handle.

  3. Heather says:

    Thank you! Love the part about most of the time you doubt you are worthy of either occupation. But you are the only one who can fire yourself! ❤️ And I agree my smallest endeavors also take 2-4 hours with all my patience and focus. I’m finally in the 2 kids at school full day phase of parenting, so my 6 hours a day for my photography business and house chores still take more time the I always anticipate. My daily practice is to make sure I stay in the moment, and focus on whatever the task. I realized a while back, no one is ever going to care if I crossed off all the things on my ever growing list of things to do, they just care if I’m nice to them and make them feel good.

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