That’s right. I’m forty now. I like to spell out the word. It looks way cooler than 40.
So far, forty feels pretty good. I like it better than 30, and it’s way cooler than 20. (forget 20) I wanted to put this in print for all the guys and dolls who will be turning 40 after me. Don’t worry, it’s much more refreshing than you’d think.
I had a lot of people reach out to me for this milestone, and I received a few more gifts than normal. I loved it!! I think it was particularly great because I wasn’t expecting it. I thought I would just muddle through the day, but I didn’t. It actually felt like a holiday; which is nothing short of a miracle since my family is 8 weeks into a deployment. Being the only adult in the house is exhausting. Because of that I set my expectations for the day really low, and boy was I surprised! I am truly thankful to all the individuals that made it such a great day for me.
I don’t often journal about my birthdays, but this one was totally fun…and the gifts were great. I thought I could share some of my favorites in the event anyone still needs to get their mom a gift for Mother’s Day. (or a fortieth birthday present for a friend)
My mom came to visit the weekend before my birthday. We went shopping. My mom is fun to shop with. This talavera birdbath (she got me) really got the celebration started. Talavera is a style of Spanish pottery commonly made in Mexico. I got my item at Old Santa Fe Pottery in Denver but it can easily be found online as well.
I love flowers. This is not something I admit very often.
Having new art to hang in your home is rejuvenating. I am particularly in love with this piece because it is a watercolor (which I never do) and made by a German artist. I adore living in America, but I miss Germany. I love when German things show up in my life.
There’s a lot of things that just aren’t as cool as they used to be. Glassware is one of them. I’m so happy this pair found me. When I drink from these cups I feel like Tara Ferreira. My mom and I bought these glasses during our shopping spree in the city. We were in a store called SEWN. It was fantastic.
Exquisite chocolate makes me weak in the knees. This gorgeous truffle collection is from Vosges. Everyone should devour a Vosges truffle collection before they die.
Bracelets…something you can never have (or wear) too much of. It’s not obvious from the photo, but the beaded bracelet is made from lava rocks. As if wearing lava wasn’t cool enough, the beads can actually absorb essential oils and the bracelet can smell great too.
This is a sweatshirt I haven’t seen in 24 years. Nothing says friendship like gifting someone old clothes; especially if it is a sweatshirt from high school that still fits.
Now this is where I will choose to end my Gift Gallery even though the spoils abound. I hope you enjoyed my showcase and it has inspired you to spoil the ones you love.
Goodbye for now my friends. look forward to writing to you again soon.