Art on the Couch

Hats and Vintage BooksEach day in Germany has brought me new adventures, challenges, opportunities, and rewards. I write about my life, and all of it’s little details, because I am so thankful.

I am most excited to journal my day when its adventure brings me new friends that make wonderful things that I can share.

This is Ulla and Celina. They are a fabulous mother-daughter duo that have a small creative business. I first introduced you to them in this blog post. I have since gotten to know them better and have more to share.

After the artists’ meeting I attended, where I initially met Ulla, she invited me to an event called Kunst auf der Couch. The title translates to Art on the Couch. It was a weekend-long celebration of art (and its artists) in the town of Erlangen, Germany. The artists had their houses open as galleries, and the public was free to download a map of their locations and visit them. Ulla, Celina, and another friend of theirs Susanne were displaying in Ulla’s house.

Knitting NancyIt was totally cool to drive to a new German neighborhood and see the inside of another German artist’s house. Ulla has a colorful and inspirational house. She’s got uplifting quotes painted on her walls, self-made mosaics in every room, a creative couch, lots of plants, and a studio-showroom in the renovated basement. In the studio-showroom you can see where she works, marvel at all of her fabulous supplies and tools, and shop the many products made by she and her daughter. Their products include hats, scarves, hoods, necklaces, bracelets, broaches, postcards made from vintage paperback books, notebooks (and other office supplies) made from vintage hardback books, and many other delights that I’m sure I am forgetting.

It was a wonderful place to spend a Sunday afternoon. In their creations the girls use an abundance of different materials. The textures, prints, and colors of the products were completely invigorating. In the time I spent at their home I was energized, of course to buy a gift for a friend, but also to get to work on more of my own ideas. Each time I meet an artist, that creates things that I love, and that is also incredibly nice, I feel as if I have found a treasure.

Hand knitsUlla and Celina put an incredible amount of effort into their work. Many of their products have vintage features. This means they spend many hours rummaging sales, flea markets, and second-hand shops. A selection of their products are hand knitted; meaning they spend many hours with needles or knitting machines. (something I know nothing about) I also found their work to have innovative designs, clean lines, and manicured finishes. Each of these details is another page in the book of any artisan. But for them; they just do it because they love it. I think it’s the love that sets the tone for the quality.

You can see more of Ulla and Celina here.