Being a mother is exhausting.
I apologize for opening this article with such a tired thought, but it is the only thought that goes through my brain with immense consistency. Every morning I wake excited for my day. It has such potential to go well. As the day grows my excitement shrinks. I wish I could have the same enthusiasm at 4:00 pm that I had at 6:00 am. This is a wish that will never come true.
In order to keep my day as enjoyable as possible, I keep it as simple as possible. There are many ways I do this, but the most important one for me has been how I dress the girls. I feel slightly guilty admitting this, but I rarely have dressed them in anything but sleepers and nightgowns. Shirts and pants and onesies and jackets and socks are a lot of trouble. Especially socks. Socks refuse to stay on feet. And my babies refuse to leave their socks alone. If they have socks on it is the most interesting thing in the world to them. They are compelled to pull at them until they get them in their mouth. And then they have cold feet. Both babies do this. As cute as it is, it has also been reason enough to leave socks out of my wardrobe equation.
Until now.
The girls have lots of great outfits that I feel it is time for them to start wearing. In my desire to start them in real clothes I felt I had to solve my sock dilemma. Borrowing from the function of pants that have footies I decided to sew socks on the end of the girls’ pants. It works marvelously.
And it was pretty simple to do. I simply sewed the back of the sock to the back of the pant. Of course, with the haste that begins a new project I sewed the first pair on backwards. So for your information, yes, baby pants have a front and a back. If you sew socks on your baby’s pants do not make this same mistake. In all, it is a project that is easy and quick to complete.
And as we know already. I do not have time for much else.
Here’s me. Keepin’ it simple. Real Simple.
Thanks for reading.