Tag Archives: chair lift

Chair Lift

You get to a certain age where you are going to wake up at 7:30 [...]

You’re Under Arrest

Stopping time is impossible. Stopping for a moment in time and arresting a beautiful image [...]

Shredded Swiss

When I’m in Switzerland I forget about the rest of the world. I forget that [...]

Painting Process

I recently read an article on a current exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. [...]

Creative Indulgence

Lately I have been spoiling myself by indulging a creative rampage. In the past couple [...]

Birds and Brushstrokes

I went for a nice jog over the weekend. I don’t look forward to running, [...]

And Another One…

SWISS LIFT Here is another painting I just finished. It comes from a photograph I [...]

11th Annual Juried Exhibition in Ozark

I can’t believe that it’s been over a year now that we’ve been living in [...]