Tag Archives: beer

Holiday Bavaria

My recent four day trip to Germany can be summed up in four concepts; warm [...]

The Best Beer in Germany

Says who? Me. Just me, no one special. Phil and I indulged ourselves yesterday in, [...]

The Skilled Travelers…a tale of Brussels and Bruges

There is a knowledge to traveling. As helpful as guidebooks and online research can be, [...]


Happy Black Friday. Happy Pre-Cyber Monday. Happy Post-Thanksgiving, and for God’s sake…Happy Day 2 of [...]

Camping + Hiking + Beer = ART PROJECTS

As you may have read, I went camping in the Alps two weeks ago. The [...]

Back In the Land of Beer…

That’s right. I’m talking about America; the land of exciting, creative, delicious craft beers in [...]

I’m in Love Again. This Time It’s Prague.

For Prague and I, it was love at first sight. The city is effortlessly magical. [...]

Getting Along in Deutschland

As of Wednesday I am officially a member of a league of artists here in [...]

Sunday Music Review

Here is where I went last night.   This was my favorite part. [youtube width=”600″ [...]


My neighbors never cease to amaze me. They are great. My landlord, Hans, has been [...]

Just Kickin’ Around…

As you can imagine, it’s been awesome having my husband back around. It’s been fun [...]

Some Beer in Bamberg

Some beer in Bamberg.

The Döbler Brauerei

Basement. Band. Beer. Read it here.