Tag Archives: army

US Army Combat Spouse’s Day

September 26th, 2014, was the USAG Ansach Combat Spouses Day. The Spouse Day is a [...]

Commemorative Work

Soldiers in the Army are constantly coming and going. They come into a new department, [...]

My German Front Door

Last week the Universe kept presenting the most unexpected things at my front door. Unless [...]

Schwäbisch Hall

Yesterday was the first day my scarves were for sale…in a real store…in Germany. I [...]

Florida Scarf at the PX

Me, and Florida Scarf, and the paintings are here at the PX in Ansbach. It’s [...]

My Next Big Thing

Next week I will be posting up at the PX on Urlas Kaserne in Ansbach, [...]

Great Weekend

So not only did I personally have a really fun weekend, but Florida Scarf had [...]

When It’s All Said and Done

(This isn’t my Welcome Home Poster, but it is my most favorite that I’ve seen.)There’s [...]

Army Art

It isn’t often that my world and my husband’s world collide. I’m an Artist. He’s [...]


This is looking back on a Thanksgiving past; just last year as a matter of [...]

Whose Side Are You On?

As I continue to straddle the line between Army wife and new citizen of Germany [...]

Obligations and Invitations

This hood is currently For Sale! I think most of us feel like we are [...]

Spring at Florida Scarf

Two weeks ago I introduced Florida Scarf to it’s new community, US Army Europe’s Katterbach [...]

My First Military Holiday

As stated a few days ago, my holidays are over. Boy, am I relieved. As [...]