Tag Archives: germany

During Last Days in Germany…

Fret not. I don’t mean my actual last days. I just mean the last few [...]

German Supplies!

How dope are these buttons? I’m really excited about them, and can’t wait to use [...]

I'm Not Obsessed…

Every now and again I enjoy sharing an embarrassing moment. I swear I’m not obsessed [...]

I’m Not Obsessed…

Every now and again I enjoy sharing an embarrassing moment. I swear I’m not obsessed [...]

Ludwig’s Furs

In case you haven’t heard this is my neighbor, Ludwig. No, not the guy on [...]

Ludwig's Furs

In case you haven’t heard this is my neighbor, Ludwig. No, not the guy on [...]

The Florida Scarf Box

If you read my Germany journal you know I am proud of my new desk. [...]

First Sale In Euros!!!

Good News! I have begun sewing in Germany! It felt great to get my machine [...]

This ain't California…

Sure Ain’t. It’s Germany. But it doesn’t mean they don’t skate. And it doesn’t mean [...]

This ain’t California…

Sure Ain’t. It’s Germany. But it doesn’t mean they don’t skate. And it doesn’t mean [...]

First Shipment Out of Germany

Congratulations to Ms. Jane “First Order Shipping From Germany” Doe. (I didn’t get the customer’s [...]

First Snowboard Trip! Yay!

Good morning Oberjach, Germany! Phil took this photo as we were stepping off the bus. [...]

Getting Settled

Phil and I seem to be settling into our new life here, in Germany, quite [...]

We're Here!

Hey All. Just a quick check in for anyone curious as to how my past [...]

We’re Here!

Hey All. Just a quick check in for anyone curious as to how my past [...]