Tag Archives: Ansbach

Holiday Bavaria

My recent four day trip to Germany can be summed up in four concepts; warm [...]

Members Only

It’s that time of year. Yes, yes, Weihnachtsmarkts, glühwein, sausage, and more cookies than you [...]

Patron Saint of Hunters

Saint Hubertus is the patron saint of hunters. His feast day, November 3rd, marks the [...]

The Garden

There are many things about our German neighbors, here at USAG Ansbach, of which we [...]

Nature. Music. Fried Dough.

Just when I thought there wasn’t much more for me to discover in my town…I [...]

Artmakers…Jochen Sturm

I went to the gallery today to take home my two paintings that have been [...]


Happy Black Friday. Happy Pre-Cyber Monday. Happy Post-Thanksgiving, and for God’s sake…Happy Day 2 of [...]


Listen Knucklehead. Just because you can go to the post office and have a legitimate [...]

The Results Are In

It’s been exactly a week since I started my adventure at the PX. Adventure? You’re [...]

ART: The Thread That Binds

Ansbach has a few sister cities. Their sister city in France is Anglet. Anglet is [...]

Tour of the Town

Like any self respecting town in Europe, Ansbach has a lot of history. A couple [...]

Unusual Entertainment in Ansbach

  The same day that Ansbach the giant flea market, they also hosted a Shopping [...]

Flea Market Finds

We had a huge flea market in town and I was (luckily) able to attend. [...]

A New Imagination Caught My Eye

What do you get when you cross a creative man with a store front? You [...]

There’s Always Something New

Getting back to my (so-called) normal life, after my unexpected trip to New Jersey, has [...]

Art and History in Ansbach

  It was another art-historic, lessons of life and culture, weekend for me. This time [...]

Grüner Nacht Graffiti

Graffiti from Ansbach Grüner Nacht