Author Archives: geraci

Art and History in Ansbach

  It was another art-historic, lessons of life and culture, weekend for me. This time [...]

I’m in Love Again. This Time It’s Prague.

For Prague and I, it was love at first sight. The city is effortlessly magical. [...]

Interesting? Yes. Strange? For sure.

As I continue to travel I become increasingly aware of the over abundance of things [...]

Toro Toro and a Bali Fish Market

In August of 2012 my husband and I traveled to Bali. We were there for [...]

It’s About How Far You’ve Come

From this angle you may not recognize this project. It’s old T-Shirts that I’m shredding [...]

The Hello Jogger, KKK Parties, and Other Ramblings

Running; it clears my head, gets me focused, and motivated. It’s for my body, but [...]

Getting Along in Deutschland

As of Wednesday I am officially a member of a league of artists here in [...]

The Jersey Shore

My fun, punky, painting of the New Jersey Coast is finished.   If you read [...]

Food Porn

(Me Laughing) I’m having a good laugh because this is not food porn; not even [...]

Turn, Turn, Turn

  You may have heard me say this before, but in many ways the Army [...]

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

  This is a photograph I took two years ago with my iphone while at [...]

Lebkuchenherzen…a painting.

That’s a big German word. Isn’t it? It means heart shaped ginger bread cookie. Now [...]

Sunday Music Review

Here is where I went last night.   This was my favorite part. [youtube width=”600″ [...]

The Sun Clause

Those living in a ski town are quite familiar with the phrase powder clause. This [...]

Projects on Sunday Morning

This morning I finally made a cushion for my rocking chair. We bought the chair, [...]


My neighbors never cease to amaze me. They are great. My landlord, Hans, has been [...]

Sunday Morning at the Museum

Kartoffelmühle by Andreas Slominsky You’ve probably heard me say this before; I don’t go to [...]

Spring is Springin’

Last week I took Phil to his first Beer Fest in Germany. It was the [...]

I Did It Again

Another shining example of advertising genius…in my opinion.  

Deo Optimo Maximo

I think this photo oozes with charm. It’s like, I wish my kitchen counter looked [...]

Portrait of a Chairlift

I think I’ll turn this into a painting one day.

The Alps Never Cease to Amaze…

On Monday morning I (along with family and a friend) drove out of the Alps [...]

Cold Sun Snow Jager

This weekend I took part in a psychological experiment. In actuality, it was a weekend [...]

Shredded Swiss

When I’m in Switzerland I forget about the rest of the world. I forget that [...]