Author Archives: Sarah C. Geraci

The Family

Once upon a time there was a girl who moved to Germany for three years [...]

Art Genius

Unless ultra-realism is your thing, there is no better art than toddler art. We want [...]

El Paso Getaways

Nina and Lila recuperated nicely from all the work of the holiday season so we [...]

Tea Stains

My morning coffee has been replaced with morning tea. Oddly, the mugs which were never [...]

Fabric Paint? Seriously?

Is it possible to make anything cool using fabric paint? If you had asked me [...]

Working on Christmas

This month I’ve been teaching Lila and Nina all about Christmas, not just the stories [...]

Destination Thanksgiving

The holiday season has begun. Whether you claim to love it or hate it, you [...]

Books We Like

A lot of books get read in my house. We read before nap, read before [...]

Holiday Bavaria

My recent four day trip to Germany can be summed up in four concepts; warm [...]

Auf Wiedersehen

By the wills of destiny and the powers of science I became pregnant in November [...]

Dust, Cheese, and Entertainment

If you do your research about El Paso and the surrounding area (which I have) [...]

A Boy and His Dog

I’ve got some new work to share, my first major painting since I’ve been back [...]

Archaeological Exposure

As a parent I willingly engage in loads of self-torment; mostly in the form of [...]

Rainbow Reminder

I’m not sure if I learn a lot from my kids, or if I learn [...]

Golden Birthday

Your golden birthday is when you turn two on the second; but what is it [...]

Rocketbuster Boots

El Paso. It never ceases to amaze me. The only city in America with a [...]

One for the Mailbox

I like getting mail. I also like giving mail. I like everything about it. Including the [...]


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of my patrons; past, present, [...]

2,058 Miles in Four Days

The plan was to drive from Wyomissing to El Paso in five days, but it [...]


As my time living in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, draws to a close I am inspired to [...]

The Plant Pledge

At the start of 2017, I claimed that I would write a blog post a [...]

Fresh New Home

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the bright, beautiful women raising babies. And Happy Mother’s [...]

Inside the Artist’s Studio

This is it. In all of its glory. This is my space. The space where [...]

Florida Scarf. Where has it been? Where is it going?

As many of you know, my husband has been separated from me and the girls, [...]