Author Archives: geraci

Doodles From a Time Gone By

Everybody saves things. You save old notes or letters. You save photographs in albums. You [...]

Christmas Greetings

This year, more than any other year prior, I have doodled most of my Christmas [...]

The Christmas Addiction

Christmas Season is a time for us all to indulge, and push the boundaries of [...]

Holiday Cheer

As much as Phil loves his birthday (not) and I love Christmas, our house was [...]

Early on the Glacier

I trust everyone had a fantastic holiday, whether Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, The [...]

Running Sneakers

I have finished another painting in the series for the book I have been working [...]

Indulgence While There is Still Time

Unfortunately. This past Saturday. I made the very unwise decision to count the number of [...]


Great St. Hubert, bless all who gather here in this
 natural setting, whose aim is [...]

Patron Saint of Hunters

Saint Hubertus is the patron saint of hunters. His feast day, November 3rd, marks the [...]

A Book Review

I participated in a book review for the first time. The book is called Coming [...]

A Tragic Bite

I was cleaning out my pantry yesterday. I know what you’re thinking. Who does serious [...]

Vacation. Travel. Holiday.

This morning I put my mom on an airplane headed back to New Jersey. It [...]

To Tourist, or Not To Tourist

My mom is in town…and we are seeing the sights. Based on the introductory photo [...]

US Army Combat Spouse’s Day

September 26th, 2014, was the USAG Ansach Combat Spouses Day. The Spouse Day is a [...]

San Sebastian

BASQUE COUNTRY Tuesday was the first installation of my 2-part compendium about having recently experienced [...]

Bilbao and the Basque Country

BASQUE COUNTRY Before I jump right into How My Latest Vacation Was, I feel the [...]

Inspired Friday: Art and the Importance of Nutrition

A Croatian Farmer’s Market. Maybe it’s all the umbrella’s. Maybe it’s the rows, and rows [...]

The Polished Souvenir

You remember the souvenir I was working on last week for myself. Well, this week [...]

Another Weekend in the Bergs

When you travel a far distance to visit a landmark for its amazing scenery and [...]

Inspired Monday

Since our time left here in Germany is rapidly waning, Phil and I have begun [...]

Inspired Friday, Winter Dreaming

  Laax, Switzerland. An almost-secret ski resort resting in the Swiss Alps. I describe it [...]

Shirt Puzzle

I love puzzles. I could spend all day working on a puzzle. Recently I spent [...]

Back To The Beach…Inspired Friday

In 1987 a movie came along that would inspire me forever. I was only six, but [...]

Camping in Croatia

I’ve noticed that the more I vacation, the more gadgets I pick up to make [...]